Everything you need to own and protect your trademark.
Before Trademark Application
Your application will be handled by Trademark Ray, who are accredited trademark representatives who cooperate with trademark authorities all around the world.
To file the trademark application, a Trademark Ray specialist will prepare and handle all the details, including classification.
Since trademark applications are public information, scammers are likely to send you phoney invoices. You may remove the possibility of paying fictitious bills by only paying Trademark Ray invoices. Worldwide safe payments are possible thanks to Trademark Ray, a Stripe partner.
Your personal caretaker is Trademark Ray. To the trademark office and any third parties, we shall represent your trademark in such matters. The essential direction will be given by Trademark Ray, who will also handle all administration.
Before we submit your trademark application and pay the trademark office, you can cancel your order and receive a full refund.
After Trademark Application
In contrast to the legal sector, Trademark Ray will never send you billable hours, will always give you a price, and has no hidden costs.
To save you significant time, Trademark Ray will perform all administrative tasks on your behalf as your caretaker.
You might have to reply to actions that a trademark office issues. You will be properly informed of these activities, and if you want you can avail the help of our legal team in order to respond back to the Federal Examination Department.
After ten years, a trademark must be renewed; if this requirement is not met, the trademark will expire and cease to exist. All trademark renewals will be handled by Trademark Ray for you.
Ongoing Trademark Application
Experts from Trademark Ray will always offer you free advice, regardless of the trademark situation.
We advise scheduling conferences with a Trademark Ray professional once every three months. We can remain on top of current trademark strategy in this way.
Trademark Ray offers a platform for managing trademarks that enables you to view all trademarks, remain informed, and be safeguarded against trademark infringement.
You will be collaborating with a committed Trademark Ray specialist who is familiar with your industry and will offer the finest advice on each case.
Our Client Say
About US
With Trademark Ray, we have registered many trademarks for our various businesses, and they have always performed admirably. I'm glad they've been here from the beginning.
Josef Fallesen
In order to register our trademark with the USPTO, we contacted Trademark Ray. We weren't let down by them. The entire process was quick and painless. received our trademark on schedule.
Oliver Henry
We have always count on on Trademark Ray to help us register our works with the USCO. They have always delivered and I am grateful for it.
Evelyn Grace
Without delay, the very skilled team at Trademark Ray submitted our artist's project for USCO registration. They didn't let us down at all.
Miriam Casey
The best decision we've ever made was to hire Trademark Ray to assist us in selecting the ideal formation strategy for our small business.
Ethel Olson
We received a variety of formation alternatives from the Trademark Ray team, which helped our new company get off to a successful start. I have no words to adequately express my gratitude to them.
Alex Cary
Ready. Get set.
Get Yourself Trademarked
Get copyright and trademark protection for your brand by registering with us right away!